Thursday, 5 January 2012

Legally Blonde;

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Main points:-
-Starts off with blonde hair being brushed and stroked.
-The music's lyrics are on this perfect day it is a girly song with main
-Straight away the wole movie is real based over the tittle and this is proved in the first minute
-There are two contrasts switching between someone who seems to be getting ready and someone who is riding in some perfect looking place, we find out it is an envelope being being forwarded
-Also throughtout the whole movie in the opening the text of all the characters and the tittle are in a pink highlight and are in a girly font with swirls and hearts.
-The props used are all to do wiht college and girls and a lot of flowers, these are also used as a transition at one point 1:38
-The transitions leads to what seems like the other person who is getting ready and to her table where the camera pans the through the items she may have used
-The person with the card is now followd with the camera tracking, and then back to the table and then back to the card where the card is signed which is giving a bit of a hint for who the card is for
-The person getting ready now we see a banner for what she is getting ready for which is homecoming queen
-Claver tracking is made after the people downstairs have signed she moves up while you can tell the person going to homecoming is nearly ready as putting perfume, where its usually spayed near to the end of you being ready
-Then after all the signing and for the card to be finally passed on where it is given maybe a kiss as a good luck and the card is passed under the door, the camera follows over the door to track the letter
-Straight as this letter is passed you hear a bark and then the girl speaking, you straight away realise that there is merely any speech throughout the opening of the sequence
-The dog species is a chiwawa a dog mainly owned by girls and it is showing the type of movie and character, also the dog takes the letter and is tracked by the camera and passes the letter to the girl comes off the phone and takes the letter from the dog.
-The girl send a blow heart and this tracked as if it actually their when its not and is followed to the person we are revealed to a guy in a frame who is obviously then shown to be a crush or a date.

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